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Storage 101

What do you do once you own a storage unit?

Storage units are great for storing a ton of different things, from family heirlooms to jet skis or snowmobiles. It can fill many different needs, depending on what you want and need to store. All you need to do is figure out what you want to put in it. Think about what you bought the storage unit for, what are you planning on putting it for sure. 


Once you have a base to build from go through your house and find other things that you did not think of initially. Organize everything into piles, then once that is done find boxes or containers for the smaller things that need it. Be sure to label all of the boxes somewhere that can easily be seen. Do not for get to label boxes that contain fragile things so that in unpacking nothing happens to them. Pack everything the vehicle you are using to transfer your possessions, then go to your storage unit at Gulfport Storage. While you are doing all of these things make sure to stay organized, this will help the whole process run smoother. Secure your items securely so that nothing will fall or break on the drive over. 


Now that you have gotten everything to your storage unit, unload it in a careful manner so nothing gets misplaced, lost, or broken. Then come up with a plan about where to put what where so that you can be effective and efficient. Keep things neat and tidy so that once you need something from it you will know exactly where it is and you can find it without running into any problems (or boxes). Move everything starting with the bigger thing, once those are in you can arrange everything else around them. Arrange them in a way that everything can and will fit in your storage unit. Now you have a storage unit that fits everything you need. 


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